Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Planting - A Villanelle

Sunday I posted a Sestina form poem - Today I'm posting a villanelle I wrote to participate in NaBloPoMo's Poetry Contest - click the link to find out more about this French form that makes use of repetition as a main part of its poetic structure.

Planting - A Villanelle

The seed that wants to live must learn to die
To grow, unhindered by what makes afraid,
Where tears have watered ground that's hard and dry.
The soil of trials cover light, and sky
Grows far and faint.  And under burdens weighed,
The seed that wants to live, but has to die.

While others from the sight have turned their eye,
The ground gives way, turned over blade by blade,
Where tears have softened ground that's hard and dry.

In darkness, dank and deep, the seed must lie
Until, in death, a tender life is made.
The seed that wants to live must learn to die.

No place remains for those who only try,
Or count the cost, or measure what is paid.
For tears have watered ground that's hard and dry.

Committed ones don't ask the question, "Why?"
They don't regret, who in their graves were laid.
The seed that wants to live must learn to die,
And tears will soften souls grown hard and dry.

Have you ever written a villanelle or other form poem?

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