Sunday, November 06, 2005

Illustration Friday - Night

Long time no illo....
Sorry about that - things got hectic at school and I got overwhelmed - I guess that's what this blog was supposed to do - keep me writing DESPITE...
Well, I'm back, with a minimal attempt at the illustration topic, Night.
This is my "new" medium - oil pastels - like I know how to use them. So I decided to do the Scraffito Design style shown on the back of the package and just do a little doodle with the word "Night" to "decorate" it a bit.
If anyone has any tips on how to better do this Scraffito or work with oil pastels, please fill me in - all I remember about these thing is using up numerous packs of "Craypas" growing up! :)
Well, I am open to your critiques! Bring 'em on!


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