Monday, November 07, 2011

Finding Balance... If you can! #NaBloPoMo

Today's NaBloPoMo Prompt: How do you balance your children, relationship, and work life?

After I stop laughing... Balance can be hard to find in life. I love routines, lists, and schedules.

So to help me manage family life with blogging, and housework, I do a few different things:

1. Menu planning helps me reduce time spent thinking about what to make each night.
2. A cleaning schedule keeps me focused and Keeps me from getting overwhelmed
3. I keep an editorial calendar to plan my blogging topics, events, and reviews
4. Simplifying my life by reducing the "stuff" and the "busy-ness" gives me more time for what's important in life!

But nothing is perfect...Matthew and I keep date nights short to accommodate our son's bedtime, often opting to just go to Starbucks for a coffee, or simply watch a movie after he goes to bed.

Finding time to exercise often takes a back seat to more important things... Mostly nap time!

But guess the beautiful part about trying to balance everything is that my child, my relationship and my blogging work... Well, they all go hand in hand!

How do you balance the various parts of your life?

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